Monday, August 10, 2009


The message of the poem depends on how the readers will read it but in the case of "Laughter", the only thing you can feel, deep sadness. The pronouns "He and I(refers to the female speaker)" tell that there are only two persona in the poem. The author who happens also to be the speaker, started and ended the poem with the word "left me" which shows her situation and the feelings she wants to share with her readers. The title is very ironic. It tells what the speaker wants to achieve. And the tones of the first stanza up to the last are the same. this piece is very powerful that it can strike and change the mood of the readers.

Would I consider it as a good poem? The very fact that it's written in free verse and how did the author choose the best words, Definitely Yes! I consider it as a good poem. The simplicity of the words speaks of much depth of the piece. Sadness is what the poem has but when you read it all emotions will be felt.

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